Community of ChristChurch
Faith News Update for October 8, 2020

Photo by Alex Jackman on Unsplash
Online Interactive Worship with 
Holy Communion
 Sunday, October 11, 2020 at 9:30am

Exodus 32:1-14
Aaron and the Golden Calf

Click the link below on Sunday:

Meeting ID: 669 927 281

If prompted enter password: 080114  

Online Worship Logistics: 

  • The online doors to our Zoom worship will open at 9:00am. 
  • From 9am to 9:30am, the worship space will be open for folks to gather and get settled in. Our worship service will begin at 9:30am. 
  • Holy Communion is part of our online worship. We encourage you to prepare by putting together your own communion set from whatever you have handy in your kitchens and pantries. Please have these items nearby when you join us online.

Joining by phone:

If you are not able to join worship via your personal computer, tablet or 
smartphone you are welcome to join using your phone.

  1. Call this number: 1-669-900-6833 
  2. Use the meeting ID: 669 927 281
  3. Enter password 080114 

You will find yourself in our Zoom worship space.

Virtual office 'closed' 

Tuesday, October 13 & Wednesday, October 14

Pastor David will be attending the virtual Bishop's Convocation
and Administrator, Rachael Jans is on vacation.

If you contact staff during that time, they will get back to you when they are 'in the office' on Thursday, October 15th. We hope that everyone in our community is taking time for self-care during these stressful times.

Hi ChristChurch Members,


Our RIC team has been hard at work on making our community a more welcoming and inclusive place.

Our committee members recently created a welcome statement and sent it out to ChristChurch members for feedback and to gauge the temperature of our people.

In our non-binding straw poll, we asked this question:


The Welcome Statement affirms this community’s commitment to welcoming, including, and celebrating people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expression. If a vote were held today on the Welcome Statement, how would you respond?


YES wholeheartedly.

YES, but I would appreciate more education.

YES, but I would appreciate more scriptural engagement

YES, but I would suggest the following changes to the statement…

NO, because I need more____________. (fill in the blank)


I am pleased to share that nearly 90% of survey participants said they would support the welcome statement wholeheartedly.


A couple of people asked for education and scriptural engagement which we intend to offer you. We are starting on October 18th, and every third Sunday after, to provide some sort of education and conversation from the RIC committee. Please join us after coffee hour to learn more about our journey.

We will be offering a book study after church soon and we are still working with our friends at the WQRC to provide community education on LQBTQ+ topics.


We also received some suggestions for minor changes and additions which we took to heart and we fine-tuned the statement last week. See below for the updated Welcome Statement.


For the very small number of survey respondents who answered NO, the committee had robust conversation, discussed the concerns with the church council, and made the decision to move forward with the process. The committee is committed to ensuring that there will continue to be open dialogue throughout this process.


We have shared our survey results and action plan with our Church Council, and they are supportive of our work.


In the future, we will be asking the congregation to vote, in a special congregational meeting, to approve our new welcoming statement and to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation, publicly welcoming people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. Your committee members are available to meet with you to answer questions and to have a dialogue about our goals and dreams for this welcoming journey.


Your RIC Committee:

Sallie Bullock

Tracy Litterer

Rhonda Eppelsheimer

Ilena Schultz

Chris Radford

Michael Gross

Revised Welcome Statement for Community of ChristChurch - September 2020

Community of ChristChurch is an open and affirming Christian community that lives in God’s love and grace. We strive to welcome and include all people because we believe God loves and welcomes all people. Regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, marital status, physical or mental ability, political stance or theological perspective or anything else that might divide us, you are welcome here.


What this means is:


No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here:

If you are young or old, you are welcome

If you have brown skin, black skin, white skin, or any color of skin, you are welcome

If you are an immigrant or refugee, you are welcome here.

If you are married or single or partnered, separated or divorced, you are welcome

If you are gay or straight or queer, you are welcome

If you are transgender, you are welcome

If you are a man or a woman or non-binary, you are welcome

If you cannot hear, see or speak, or have physical or intellectual differences, you are welcome

If you are sick or well, you are welcome

If you are happy or sad, you are welcome

If you are rich or poor, powerful or weak, you are welcome

If you believe in God some of the time or none of the time or all of the time, you are welcome


You are welcome here.

Come with your gifts, your pain, your hope, your fears

Come with the traditions that have helped you and hurt you

Come with your experiences that have made you and broken you

Come with a mind ready to engage, and a heart open to discern

Come and listen for the Sacred Spirit that calls you to love your neighbor wholeheartedly, seek justice, create peace and practice compassion

You are welcome here!

The 5-minute Journal
Are you looking for a daily practice of gratitude, intention, and reflection?

Back in January, Bishop Laurie invited us to join her in a new spiritual practice for the new year: the 5-minute journal. A LOT has happened since then (2020, you will be remembered). But this increases, rather than diminishes our need for grounding spiritual practices

Here are the questions:
Every morning take 5 minutes to note:

  • 3 gratitudes
  • 3 things that would make today great
  • An affirmation for the day:  I am . . .

Every evening take five minutes to note:

  • 3 amazing things that happened today
  • 3 things that could have made today better
The 5-minute journal is based on the practice developed by Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556), referred to as the daily examen.  Ignatius saw these twice daily reflections as a gift directly from God, a way to experience God's presence in daily life.
Church Council Zoom Meeting

Your church council is meeting next Wednesday, October 14 at 6:30pm. Church Council meetings are open to all. Please email Council President Denise DeMarre if you would like to attend and receive the Zoom link. 
Online gathering:
Crafting, Gardening and Creativity Share (Zoom)
Saturdays @10am

Meeting ID: 226 185 003
Password: 012822

Questions: contact Violet Thetford. 

Please note: For 10/17 only this gathering will move to 11am - 1pm.

Online Community Events:

OR Synod Assembly: a two-day Zoom event!

  • Friday, November 6: 3:00 pm-8:30 pm
  • Saturday, November 7: 8:30 am-4:00 pm
Click here to register. Registration closes Friday, Oct. 23 

Synod Assembly is going online this year and will be held November 6-7th on Zoom.  

What is the Oregon Synod?

The Oregon Synod is one of the 65 synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA is a community of faith that shares a passion for making positive changes in the world. Our faith is built around a strong belief in God, as made known in Jesus Christ. Through service, advocacy, worship, and education, we practice our faith, grow in our relationship with God, and experience God’s grace in our lives.

Here in Oregon, we are over 30,000 some Lutherans in 111 congregations (including Trinity Lutheran in Tulelake, CA.) We welcome you everywhere we are, and we thank you for helping make the world a better place for everybody.

One way to understand the Synod Assembly is to think of it as the OR Synod's Annual meeting. There are votes and resolutions to review. 

Assembly will only be $25 a person. While this is an exciting new thing, we also recognize this may change how and which people will participate. In this very different year, this is the compromise we have had to make to hold Synod Assembly in 2020. We hope this will be a valuable and interesting experience for us all! 

ChristChurch gets to send two (2) voting members. Violet Thetford has already volunteered to be one of our voting members. We are looking for one more. If you are interested please email Pastor David by Friday, October 16th. 




Why are Communities of Color disproportionately affected by the coronavirus? How does our society treat a largely Black and migrant labor force of service and agricultural workers? When disaster strikes, who is served, and who isn’t? Are racism and disaster response interrelated? If so, what can we do about it?


Friends, the launch of the Oregon Synod Disaster Preparedness and Response Congregational Network has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 29th, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. 

Bring Yourself – Bring a Fellow Member - Bring a Team!
To Register, email your name & congregation name to
As we have learned over these last months, Oregon does and will continue to experience disasters and times of emergency.  As people of faith we are called to be ready to provide comfort and assistance to those in need.  How do we get ready?  By having a response plan in place….by starting NOW to learn what we as local congregations can do to help—including creative ideas for responding in this time of COVID.
The OR Synod Disaster Preparedness & Response Network will offer regular gatherings, resources, trainings, and team development activities to help you form a team and engage your congregation. Please join us as we begin the preparedness journey together! 
Community of ChristChurch

This is Christ's church. There is a place for you here.

Mailing address:
 Community of ChristChurch

3300 NW 185th Ave #224
Portland, OR 97229

(503) 617-9526
Online Office Information  
As of August 2020, Community of ChristChurch operates as an online office with staff working remotely.
Currently, all gatherings are online, using Zoom. 

Staff contact information:
Pastor David Eppelsheimer  

Administrative & Communications Coordinator
Rachael Jans

Prayer Requests

Electronic Giving
Since we can't pass our offering basket during online worship, we encourage you to automate your giving. Online giving reduces staff and volunteer processing time. Electronic giving also offers an easy way to give on a recurring basis. 
THANK YOU to everyone that has signed up! 

Go to and select the checkbox ‘Make this gift recurring’.
You will be walked through the steps for setting
up an account with Easy Tithe.

Submissions for Faith News:
Do you have an article or piece of news to
share with the congregation? 

Email your submission for Faith News by 2pm on Wednesday via email
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