Community of ChristChurch
Faith News 10.06
Online Interactive Worship
  with Holy Communion   
Oct 9, 2022, at 9:30 am
News & Announcements:


Announcing a Special Congregational Meeting – Sunday, October 9th, 10:45 am


Dear Voting Members of Community of ChristChurch,


Your Church Council is convening a special congregational meeting for Sunday, October 9th at 10:45 am. The meeting will be held on Zoom.


You can access the zoom link here or transfer the link below to your browser.


Meeting ID: 895 5231 9155


Passcode: 153464


At this meeting, the congregation will vote on whether to approve an expenditure of $10,000 above our current annual budgeted expense to support a grant proposal by Care Partners, a non-profit (501(c)(3)) hospice services provider located in Washington County.


Care Partners is seeking $25,000 in grant funding to support an expansion in the grief support services they offer. Currently, there are no grief support services specifically designed to meet the needs of the LGBTQ+ community offered in the Portland metro area. Care Partners’ goal is to fill that gap in community services by offering grief support tailored to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ folks experiencing grief and loss. They have invited Community of ChristChurch to be a community partner in this grant by endorsing the project and, if possible, by supporting the work financially as well.


The church council believes that this proposal aligns well with our congregation’s values as articulated in our Mission and Vision statements. During the September monthly meeting, your Church Council voted to endorse this grant proposal and become a community partner by contributing $10,000 of the $25,000 requested.


Between now and October 9th, we will do our best to answer any questions you may have and also provide opportunities to learn more about Care Partners and about this grant proposal.


This special congregational meeting will be held after worship on Sunday, October 9th on Zoom and the vote will be conducted by anonymous Google form ballots. You must be a voting member of the congregation to cast a vote. We hope you will make it a priority to attend this meeting.


Visit Lutheran Disaster Response to donate.



As our neighbors in Puerto Rico, Florida, South Carolina, and other places continue to suffer in the aftermath of hurricanes like Fiona and Ian, we may wonder what we can possibly do to make a difference. One simple and effective way to provide real help is to donate to Lutheran Disaster Response.


Lutheran Disaster Response shares God's hope,

healing, and renewal with

people whose lives have been disrupted by

disasters in the United States

and around the world.

October is LGBTQIA+ History Month,

Reconciling Works will be lifting many people and

days of visibility which impact the LGBTQIA+ community during this time. If you follow them on social media, you will find a variety of notable days and resources for you and your faith community including:


Indigenous Peoples Day                                                10/10/2022

National Coming OUT Day                                             10/10/2022

- SPECIAL Prayers of the People                                   10/09/2022

Sunday before National Coming OUT Day

Spirit Day                                                                         10/20/2022

Intersex Awareness Day                                                  10/26/2022
Community of ChristChurch

This is Christ's church. There is a place for you here.

Online Worship Logistics: 

The online doors to our Zoom worship will open at 9:00am. From 9am to 9:30am, the worship space will be open for folks to gather and get settled in. Our worship service will begin at 9:30am.  Communion is part of our worship.  Full details on how to join our online worship are found here.
Mailing address:
 Community of ChristChurch

3300 NW 185th Ave #224
Portland, OR 97229

(503) 617-9526
Pastor David Eppelsheimer  

Rhonda Powell: Administrative &
Communications Coordinator
Online office hours
T & TH: 8am -5 pm & F 12pm-5pm
We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. We are a faith community that is committed to the welcome, inclusion, celebration, and advocacy for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions; that work for racial equity and are committed to antiracism. Find out more here.
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Our Facebook page is updated on a regular basis. Please feel free to share our posts with friends, or have a shoutout for something you heard in worship. tag @Community of ChristChurch in your posts!

Community of ChristChurch 3300 NW 185th Ave #224 Portland, OR 97229 - Copyright © 2022 Community of ChristChurch, All rights reserved.

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